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Our New Theatre

What’s happening at Twyford?

An exciting new 199 seat raked theatre is being built adjacent to the existing Twyford Hall, above the existing shops on Market Street. The new theatre will include a foyer with box office, theatre office, two dressing rooms, stage manager desk and a control room for lighting, sound and AV and will open early 2025. The existing Twyford Hall reopened after COVID-19 and building works in November 2021. The Hall and Supper Room have undergone some changes to accommodate the new theatre construction. Details of each venue and hire enquiries can be made via our Venue Hire page.

When will it open?

The Board is working with our project management team, contractors and certifiers to get it open to the community as soon as everything has been signed off and our staff have been thoroughly trained to bring you a fabulous new performing arts centre!

How can I keep up to date with the project?

We look forward to keeping you informed about our new and improved venues for live performances and events. Please subscribe to The Twyford e-News or Like our Facebook page. If you have specific questions about the impact of the project not already covered in this FAQ, please contact us. We thank the community for its support and understanding during the disruptions.

How is the building project being funded?

After 20+ years of lobbying, Twyford Hall Inc was successful in receiving $7.4 million in grant funding from the NSW State Government through the Regional Communities Development Fund. The project is also being funded through Twyford Hall Inc’s own resources, private donations and corporate sponsorships. Due to additional costs caused by AHIP delays, COVID and building delay costs, additional funding was successfully sought from the NSW Government to finish service connections, commissioning and final fitout. In 2022, Twyford Hall Inc transferred to The Twyford Hall Complex Ltd, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and registered arts charity. The Twyford Hall Incorporated Theatre Project Building Fund is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR), meaning that all donations to the fund over $2 are tax-deductible. If you would like to be part of the success of the new venue you can become a donor or become a sponsor.

When is the construction project expected to be completed?

Building works are complete and final certification is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. To keep up to date on what is happening, subscribe to The Twyford eNews.

Who is carrying out the work?

Plans for the new theatre were developed by local architect Michael Marshman & Associates. Development Approval was obtained for the work from Bega Valley Shire Council. Project Managers Donald Cant Watts Corke (DCWC) were appointed. The successful tender for the construction of the theatre was announced in December 2019 as Monarch Building Solutions from the ACT. Building was paused in August 2021 until further funding could be obtained for completion. Local contractors have been employed on site where possible. Project management was transferred to NSW Public Works in 2022. GRAN architects are consulting architects on the final stage of the project and Hodgson Constructions are completing the building work.

Where is the project site office located?

The original site office on Market St is now closed and has been rented to Coast Property Group. Contractors connected to the theatre building site must request access from the supervising contractor or the Venue Manager and sign in/out of the site at the loading dock door. Site Office plans are located in the Foyer.

Where will site access for construction be located?

Primary access to the site for contractors is from Beach Street via the Loading Dock.

Will vehicle and pedestrian traffic be affected?

Traffic control measures for vehicles and pedestrians have been provided as necessary. Construction fencing has been removed as all works are now internal to the building.

Will the adjacent shops be affected?

The two shops in Market Street beside the Hall are currently operating and leased to tenants Horizon Bank and Sails Property Group.

Can the existing venues still be used?

These existing venues reopened in November 2021 following COVID lockdowns. Twyford Hall, the Supper Room and Kitchen are available for small music concerts, meetings, workshops, dance classes, art exhibitions, functions and more. Hire enquiries can be made via our Venue Hire form or by contacting the Venue Manager.

What’s happened to The Twyford Room?

The Twyford Room on Market Street no longer exists. It has become the main entrance for the whole venue and includes a lift and stairwell to the new Theatre Foyer on the first floor, as well as providing access to the toilet facilities for both Hall and Theatre patrons.

What’s happened to Twyford Hall?

Twyford Hall underwent some modifications and reopened in November 2021 and continues to be used for events. The door of the Hall along the side wall that was used as a second doorway into the Supper Room has been closed off. The old biobox has been converted into a Tech Room for the complex and is not accessible to the general public. Lighting & Sound are now operated from the back of a Hall via a networked system.

What’s happened to the Hall stage?

The Twyford Hall stage depth was shortened by approximately 2 metres to accommodate construction of the new theatre backstage area and loading dock. Its dimensions are now 8.25m wide x 4.4m deep and the top layer is black painted brown board over timber. A new PA system and audio rack has been installed at the rear of the proscenium arch at stage left. All new LED lighting has been installed. The old lights have been replaced with LED stage lighting work lights and lighting bars have been modified or replaced. See Twyford Hall for more details. The stage in the new Theatre will be larger than the old Twyford Hall stage with a 9m x 5m proscenium arch and up to 7m depth (depending if crossover in use) as well as generous wings on both sides. The Hall stage will have double door access to the loading dock and single door access at Hall stage right for offstage entrances from the Theatre backstage. The Hall stage will be able to be used as an orchestra area for the Theatre, with video and comms access to the Theatre stage/stage manager desk. It can also be used as an assembly area/additional dressing area for large cast acts in the Theatre, subject to Hall bookings.

What’s happened to the Green Room for performers?

The old shed at the back of the Hall has been removed from the site and the Twyford Hall Green Room has been removed. Two new Dressing Rooms, each with their own toilet and shower facilities, have been built into the new Theatre building and are located on the northern side of the venue. These will be accessible via the Theatre stage door, which will be located on Market St, adjacent to the Horizon Bank. Access to the dressing rooms from the Hall will be via the Theatre backstage.

What’s happening to the lighting & sound box (biobox) in the Hall?

The bio box at the back of Twyford Hall has become a Technical Communications Room accessible only to authorised staff. Separate grant funding (Club Infrastructure Grant) was sourced for updating lighting and sound in the Hall as well as portable rostra for choir/drum risers or sound/lighting operators at the rear of the Hall. Network cabling connects all stage equipment to a panel at the rear of the Hall where tech staff can connect the sound and lighting desks. The new Theatre has new state of the art lighting, sound, video and communication systems managed from its own Control Room on Level 2.

What’s happened to the Supper Room?

The Twyford Hall Supper Room has been downsized, losing about 10 square metres at the Market St end and has a single entrance off the Beach St foyer. The western section has been walled off. Tables and additional chairs can be stored in the Supper Room when not in use in the Hall. It can be used as a small meeting room, production office, supper room or temporary dressing room when the Hall is used for events. Access is via the Beach St foyer entrance.

What’s happened to the Box Office on Market Street?

The old box office has become the Electrical Main Switchboard and meter room for the whole venue. Ticketing services are now available online via TryBooking, with phone and EFTPOS walk-in sales available 30 minutes prior to events. When the new Theatre Foyer opens, it will contain the Box Office for the whole venue.

Will the toilets still be accessible?

The existing toilets inside the building are shared between Hall and Theatre venues and will be open for patrons during events. Access to the toilets is via the Main entrance corridor on Market St. There is a unisex accessible toilet and parent room, in addition to male and female toilets. New dressing rooms in the Theatre have their own unisex bathrooms for cast and crew use. The old public toilet block was demolished in 2019. The nearest Public Toilets are available in the Palmer Lane carpark via the Newsagent arcade across Market St.

How do hirers access the existing venues during this time?

The Hall, Supper Room and Kitchen were reopened to bookings in 2020 following COVID shutdowns. Venue hire can be booked via our Venue Hire Enquiry Form or by contacting the Venue Manager. Once a hire agreement has been signed, hirers will be invoiced directly and payment can be made by direct credit or EFTPOS to The Twyford. Hirers will receive access, induction and safety training by the Venue Manager at an agreed time.

Theatre Specifications